Saturday, October 06, 2007

Kanargoo Burgers

Great for you and tasty, they are lean and rich so you really dont need big ones, say 8-10 per kg

Kangaroo mince (lean), Onions, Egg, Breadcrumbs, soil, Type A spice mix, chili flakes

Mix it up with the hands-not to much
form into burgers (I use 2 small (childrens range) tupperwares bowls, one inside the other)
Grill for 5 minutes per side for the 2cm burgers (Start high and turn heat down)

Add ons:
I bit of blue in the middle

Tuna Omelette

Tinned Tuna (the good stuff in the glass and olive oil from Italy), Onion and walnuts (enough so that it will be half this and half eggs
fry them up in the pan

4 eggs and a bit of milk, whisk up while the Tuna mix cooks

Turn temp down and add the the eggs, cook until firm, use the grill in the oven for than last bit

Cost: $6 (Inc good quality Tuna) or $3/ portion.